I absolutely LOVE reading the Akashic Records. Connecting others to their spiritual team sparks so much joy. Akashic readings are for those who want to have an intimate conversation/connection with their spiritual team. The Akashic Records are, according to them, another dimension. They hold all the information of all that was and ever will be.
Akashic readings give immense clarity and allow full recalibration to give you peace of mind about where you're at and where you're headed. Your team wants you to feel empowered and vibrant- sometimes we just need some reminders or clues to guide us on our journey!
The Akashic Records, according to the records themselves, are another dimension. The Akasha is a massive network of interconnecting webs of all information that ever was and ever will be. Within it lies possibilities based on certain actions we do or don't take. It’s a sensitive field holding every thought, potential, dream, seed, life and vision there ever could and will be- it’s a multitude of timelines.
Think of it as a place that holds all the threads of fate and how they might all be put into a design based on what we decide to do in a given moment and what is currently available to us.
everything has a record- relationships, people, plants, the records themselves, etc.
because its a higher dimension, time doesn't apply or translate there, it just is.
the records show us potential outcomes...nothing exact. In fact, the records don't like "yes or no" questions, because there are countless possibilities based on our human decision making/ us creating our own reality by the second. They are answering the questions based on the trajectory of where we’re at now.
people can be skeptical about them because the records don't always give answers that happen exactly as they are expressed, but this is because our reality shifts constantly based on our CHOICES. However, I will say, personally I find the records to be almost annoyingly blunt and accurate where you're like ok...harsh...but true...but harsh...but thank you.
We can use the Akashic records to realign ourselves with our purpose, passions, to reignite our passions and desires, stir our curiosity, validate what we’ve experienced or are experiencing, gain insight on why certain things happen or have happened, and we can use them for creative projects, branding, developing something new etc etc etc
There are endless possibilities to how and why we might utilize the Akashic records.
Who are “they”?
Were talking to your spiritual team! the Masters, Teachers and loved ones are what/ who make up your spiritual team. They are able to take our questions to the records and come back with the information needed.
This is why the delivery is so personal- because they know YOU. they're with you often- so don't be surprised if you roll up to your reading asking the same crusty question you've been asking them countless times and get dragged. Im totally kidding, but also speaking from experience, your guides aren't afraid to drag you a bit. This is also why I really love reading for people/ interacting with their guides. The wit/ humor and overall delivery + compassion they bring is so juicy.